Message From ED
HomeMessage From ED
The National Development Programme (NDP) is implementing a sub-project“Improving the Quality of Traditional Bengali Clothing by reducing environmental consequences of Loom enterprises in Sirajganj” Under Sustainable Enterprise Project (SEP) in Sirajganj Sadar, Kamarkhanda and Belkuchi Upazila of Sirajganj district, jointly financed by the Palli karmaSahayak Foundation (PKSF) and the world bank. I am very happy to know that under this project, a website is going to be set up as the first step in setting up an e-platform form to facilitate the worldwide promotion and dissemination of traditional weaving products (sari, lungi, towels, etc.) of Siraganj district known as Tant Kunja (Hurst of the loom).
The loom business cluster of Sirajganj district has various complications in the production process, factory working environment, factory management, and marketing of manufactured products. Through the implementation of the mentioned project, weaving enterprises will be transformed into environmentally friendly and commercially profitable enterprises by increasing the environment friendly sustainable practices in weaving related business ventures.
The unorganized weaver community suffers commercial losses at various times as a result of being held hostage by various syndicates. At present, the traditional weaving industry is facing the grim reality of Covid-19. The prices of raw materials are constantly rising but the fair prices of the products are not available. The conventional market system has broken down due to the declaration of several times lockdown. Many weavers have already closed their factories or reduced production, which is a thundering signal for the industry.
In such a reality, to build an alternative market system the NDP-SEP (Loom) project has taken initiative to set up a website to establish an online marketplace called e-Boshon is a great initiative. Through this website, all the stakeholders around the world will be able to know the details of the project as well as the overall condition of the traditional looms in Sirajganj.
I do believe that through this website, policy makers will be able to know about the existing problems and possibilities of the weaving industry of Siraganj and will play an effective role in solving the problems.
Finally, I would like to thank all the project officers, consultants, and information technology experts who are involved in the process of establishing the website.
I express my hope that the traditional weaving of Sirajganj will regain its lost glory, through this website.
Md.Alauddin Khan
Executive Director
National Development Programme (NDP)